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What Causes Roaches (and Makes Them Go Away)

Timpul publicarii: 2022-05-07     Origine: teren

If you’ve found a dreaded cockroach or two crawling around your house, you’re no doubt wondering what in the world attracted these roaches to your home.

You keep a clean house and you don’t leave the windows open, so what’s going on? How did these pests get inside, and why are they disrupting your life all of a sudden?

Cockroaches—even the ones that like to live outside—enter homes for a few reasons, and we’re going to break each one down for you.

First, you’ll learn what causes roaches in your house. Then what you can do to get rid of roaches permanently.

Let’s get right to it!

Understanding Indoor and Outdoor Roaches

Right now, you don’t have to know exactly which species of cockroach you’ve found in your house. But to know what’s causing roaches in your home, it is important to determine whether you’re seeing an indoor or outdoor species.

Indoor Roaches

Indoor or \"domestic roaches\" only live inside homes and other structures. If you’ve found them in your house, you probably got them from somewhere else.

Usually, a person accidentally brings roaches or roach eggs in unawares. That might sound unlikely, but it’s easier than you’d think for a tiny cockroach to stow away in your purse or work bag. These insects might have crawled into your child’s backpack at school. Roaches sometimes hide in grocery bags and packages, too.One exception is shared living: if you live in an apartment building or townhome, the roaches might’ve come from a neighbor. In that case, you should tell the building owner right away.

Indoor roaches are typically smaller species. You could be dealing with one of these species:

German cockroaches

Brown banded cockroaches

Besides your home, indoor species have nowhere to go. Once they’re in, they’re going to start multiplying.

Outdoor Roaches

Outdoor roaches live among the fallen branches and leaf litter that covers forest floors. They also inhabit the mulch and soil that surrounds your landscaping. These cockroaches are especially prevalent in southern states.

Outdoor cockroaches are often larger and many of them fly. Acestea includ:

American cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches

Smokybrown cockroaches

These roaches usually prefer living outside in dark, damp environments like sewers, subway tunnels and storm drains.

But when the environment changes—when their habitat floods or the weather turns too cold—they start looking for better shelter. That’s likely the reason outdoor roaches have moved into your home.

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